Friday, May 16, 2008

Hello Friends and Family!

We've been a little busy living life! We haven't had too much to settle down and contemplate life! Well, that is a little bit debatable. I contemplate life 24-7! It is a switch I'd like to turn off! Any suggestions are welcome!

We lost a hamster. Joy has joined Huckleberry, Oreo and maybe Daddy depending on what you believe! Bubbles is getting the treatment these days! Instead of replacing joy, we bought some more running tubes for Bubbles.

This all happened on Mother's Day. If I had forgotten that I was a single parents, tackling the difficulties of life's ups and downs (like hamsters dying), if I had forgotten that, then my screaming, mourning, crying children on either side of me that day brought me back to reality!

However the day was not all lost. On the contrary, it was a rather nice day. Amelia woke up and then woke up Syd and they made me coffee and crunchy toast. We went to bible study and then came home for a bit. We decided to go for a drive. I had to explain that when you go for a drive, you don't really know "where" you are going.... I love going for drives!

As it turns out, they love it too. We headed to the coast and drove down PCH. We ended up in Laguna and had lunch at the Penguin Cafe. A small, small family owned restaurant. We played UNO while we waited for our food.

The girls thought we were just going to drive so they wore their slippers! Kinda funny now.

We kept going and went to Baskin and Robbins in Dana Point.

On the way home I got a massage at the Main Place. :) The girls waited nicely for me.

So all in all, it was a wonderful Mother's Day. Drives, Slippers, UNO and ice cream - this is what life is made of.

Toodles :+)

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