Saturday, May 31, 2008

Horseback Riding - 1st day

This is Amelia's first ride. She's learning how to sit up straight and most importantly, take command of her pony. She is riding Sparky here. The trainer gets the pony to jog. As soon as she stops and starts walking, the pony stops and walks too! So Amelia needs to get her back into a jog. In addition to keeping the pony going, she has to keep it along the rail. On this day, the trainer walked with her. She had her third lesson today and the trainer sits on the railing and calls out directions to her. This is challenging to keep the pony going and in the right direction! Today's pony was a little lazy and he had a mind of his own. It is harder than it looks!! But she looooooves it!!!!

We're almost there!

Hooray for the last week of school! All three of us are eagerly anticipating a break from thinking, and leading.

Amelia is excited about Wild Rivers and Montana.

Sydney is just excited.

Mom is excited to be taking a mental break! Never needed one as bad as I need one now! Know any doctors that will actually remove your brain for about 4 weeks?

I think that God keeps say, "Come to me you who are weary and I will give you rest." I'm coming, I'm coming.... I hear my soul cry back to him....... but I don't really come. I say I will, but I don't. And God says again, "Come to me.... leave behind your worries, dreams, hopes, and plans." Just STOP...... SHHHH.....shhhh......shhhhhhh...... come to me.

But then loudly the responsibilities of life interrupt.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello All...

Happy Memorial Day!

Today we remember men and women who have died for the freedom of our country. Every time I say the pledge with my class, I try to remember them. I also try to convey that to 6 year olds. I insist that they have two feet on the floor, and one hand on their heart. No slouching or leaning on their desk. They are to look at the flag and say it clearly and confidently. I am not hesitant in reminding them that people have died so they can stand there and recite that pledge.

We then move to the Christian flag and of course it is the same rules and same reasons.


We (Amelia) have a new hamster. He is HUGE! Well, he is probably average, but because we are used to the dwarf size, he seems huge. He is a teddy bear hamster and I am assuming that it is a HE. - name? OREO!

I'll getcha pictures as soon as I can!

Relationship Pursuit:

Some of you ponder why she continues to look. Hasn't she come to the point in her life to know that men are lazy and selfish and, frankly, who needs 'em.

I can say that my latest revelation revealed :) that I can certainly HOPE there is a good man out there for me. I am not going to crumble at the notion that all men are evil... or lazy or self-centered. I think there may be one or two left and in my age bracket...

I feel in the minority here though. But so be it. I am in a better place than some.

Free Time

1. I'm spending my free time here :) blogging. Look at it as exercising my writing skills.

2. I'm re-reading a John Grisham novel... The Testament.

3. My reality shows are dwindling so I'm looking for new ones. I think I'll keep track of 'the bachelorette' and 'so you think you can dance.' It is really just to fill the 9-10 o'clock hour. Time I used to spend with Mark. (sigh)

4. I'm back on coffee ice cream... it is my vice I suppose. As long as I can maintain my slender figure... why not?

5. Since today is a holiday, we may go for another 'drive'.

6. Seriously anticipating the end of the school year! And really excited about our big trip!

7. Still enjoy a good Angel's Baseball Game and I am delighted that we are holding our first place position.

10 Things I wish I could do more of:
(not necessarily in the correct order)

1. Walk/hike in nature - without breaking out into a sweat or needing to take too much.... just a water bottle and a camera.

2. Go on errands by myself.

3. Figure out what the heck my 'hobbies' and 'interests' are.... I'm a mom and a teacher... who has time for hobbies and interests?

4. Get a massage everyday! Right shoulder going up into the neck... and a face massage is heaven! Really!

5. Sit on the beach on a warm day and watch the girls body board. A slight breeze every 10 minutes.

6. Read a book that is impossible to put down and disappointing when it's over. (That is disappointing THAT it's over!)

7. I know this SHOULD be number one, but I just thought of it... really, really, really feel (yes i said feel!) connected to God and be satisfied with His love for me.

8. Have dinner with good friends that make me laugh til I cry.

9. Ah HA! Laugh until I cry!

10. Wake up feeling happy and refreshed...

Well, ta ta for now.....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baseball Update

Angels - 27-20 and pulling far ahead of the A's. Padre's - 17-30 and in last place... ouch! It was a close game last night! On my way to Bible Study I was listening as Frankie brought us through it........ barely! He had to walk 3 batters first! Oh.... Frankie!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm Following Jesus!

This is proof that we worship when we don't even know it! Amelia and Sydney took these picures in my photo booth program throughout the whole year. I played around with them and made this music video!

Hello Friends and Family!

We've been a little busy living life! We haven't had too much to settle down and contemplate life! Well, that is a little bit debatable. I contemplate life 24-7! It is a switch I'd like to turn off! Any suggestions are welcome!

We lost a hamster. Joy has joined Huckleberry, Oreo and maybe Daddy depending on what you believe! Bubbles is getting the treatment these days! Instead of replacing joy, we bought some more running tubes for Bubbles.

This all happened on Mother's Day. If I had forgotten that I was a single parents, tackling the difficulties of life's ups and downs (like hamsters dying), if I had forgotten that, then my screaming, mourning, crying children on either side of me that day brought me back to reality!

However the day was not all lost. On the contrary, it was a rather nice day. Amelia woke up and then woke up Syd and they made me coffee and crunchy toast. We went to bible study and then came home for a bit. We decided to go for a drive. I had to explain that when you go for a drive, you don't really know "where" you are going.... I love going for drives!

As it turns out, they love it too. We headed to the coast and drove down PCH. We ended up in Laguna and had lunch at the Penguin Cafe. A small, small family owned restaurant. We played UNO while we waited for our food.

The girls thought we were just going to drive so they wore their slippers! Kinda funny now.

We kept going and went to Baskin and Robbins in Dana Point.

On the way home I got a massage at the Main Place. :) The girls waited nicely for me.

So all in all, it was a wonderful Mother's Day. Drives, Slippers, UNO and ice cream - this is what life is made of.

Toodles :+)