Monday, June 21, 2010

Yikees - Motherhood

As I go through my day I have all these brillant sentences.  And today was no exception.  However, I sit now and draw a blank.

I can say this.  Raising a daughter is reliving your life again.  The good and the bad.  And boy oh boy the bad can be difficult to relive.

Have you every stopped to think as a mother - Oh dear - I think I'm totally messing this up!  It starts with little things like - It's my fault the girls don't like tomatoes.  Then it's - I should have read to them more, then they would love to read.  And works it's way to - she's got a complex because of me.

I know this is an awkward place to end this, but I'm trying to be an involved mother and need to get a decent meal on the table.

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