Writing comes from paying attention...to life.
So I'm paying attention: Here's a story...
My cat is patiently waiting for a lizard to appear out of the door. Back up with me. I get home and see all three of my pretty cats assembled at the sliding door. For a split second, I thought, "how sweet!" However, I soon realized that they were gathering to watch the execution of a lizard they had dragged into the house. The lizard was inside the door "slider" and the cats couldn't seem to get it out.
Now I don't have a desire to save the Lizard population, but at the same time, I did not want to clean up lizard guts for the 3rd time. So I got the dust pan out to try to scoop him/her up and throw her in the neighbor's yard.
No luck. The little guy scurried under the sliding door. So I gently opened the door to see if he/she would come out the other end. Nope. Just barely could I see her/his little head.
So I waited for a few minutes...seconds. For some reason, I decided to close the door again... Jam.... Yep, it jammed just enough that I think I killed the lizard inside the sliding part to my door. I tried to close it again and could feel resistance. I stood up and on the count to three, closed the door with all my human strength - well not that hard.
It closed, but I can only imagine the lizard guts being spread as I closed. That was 20 minutes ago.
My poor cat is waiting for that Lizard to emerge.