Last night we went to the Angel's Opening Day! Whoo Hoo! Unfortunately, the game was a yawner! All the way to the 9th inning. I usually do not stay all the way, especially when we are shut out - 11-0!! (JULIE IS FALLING OUT HER SEAT RIGHT NOW)........
However, it was Big Bang Friday and Amelia wanted to stay to see the Fireworks. I did ponder, in the back of my head, that there might be some kind of come back. The Angel's are notorious for this. (Julie - did you get back up again?)
Sure enough, it's the bottom of the 9th and the score is 11-0. Texas has put in a new pitcher - a mistake. We scored 6 runs on them! We didn't win, but we at least showed some pride!
That's ok! We're going back to tonight to see the Angel's DEFEAT the Texas Rangers!